Happy New Year everyone! I would like to share a bit of my childhood home with you which I realized (over the holidays) is such a source of inspiration for my steampunk creations. So, welcome!
One of the things everyone notices immediately is the vast number of antique sewing machines stashed in every corner of the house. I have never counted them, it would take a while, but my grams collects them. Some are encased in large, ornate wooden desks and others are tiny and fit on the fireplace mantle! Here is one of my favorite sewing machines--an 1882 Singer with gold embellishments. I grew up with the whirr of sewing machines and have (as some of you know from seeing it at Indie Emporium 2 years ago) an old Singer sewing machine of my own! Other antique sewing ephemera litter the house and among the most treasured are these crazy quilted pincushions (made by my mom).
In the living room hangs my mother's family crest (carved by my Uncle Jeff). The crest of the Crawfords--a shield with small trees (my family resided in Scotland and lived near the species of tree etched into the shield), a helmet, and adorned with looping scrolls. Below reads "Stant Innixa Deo," Latin for "They Stand Supported By God."
Upstairs you can find just as many old-world marvels, wooden ships, medicine jars, and water basins.
Scattered about the house are old clocks--ones whose chimes I can still hear if I close my eyes at the start of a new hour. Pictured left is a doll hand sewn by my mom. Her name is Cordelia, the Victorian Lady. She has a high collar and lace embellishments on her dress and a marvelous green sash. Her jet beads set of her jet hair amassed in a Gibson Girl bun atop her head.
The last treasure I will share with you is a painted picture of a ball. It rests in our living room. I can almost hear the rustling of the ladies' dresses as they are sashayed past by their beaus and the merry music of the orchestra.
These are just a few of the inspirations I have found around home. What are yours?