As promised, here are a few ideas & DIYs (3 different DIYS) on how to Steampunk your Pumpkin this Halloween! Happy Carving!
1) Kid Friendly Steampunkins, or the "Mr. Potato Head" Approach
What You'll Need:
- Pumpkin Carving Tools (You can purchase a kit or gather up the following: A large knife, paring knife, toothpicks, a corn-on-the-cob utensil (optional but it makes poking holes so much easier), small & large metal spoons, newspaper or trash bags to protect your table from all the pumpkin guts, and a bucket or big pot lined with a trash bag for pumpkin guts & seeds)
- 2 gears, or as many as you prefer your pumpkin can have many cog & gear eyeballs (salvaged is preferable but if you cannot find any you can purchase reproduction gears from Michaels. Just look for the "Industrial Chic" or "Found Objects" items).
- 3 springs (use 5-6 springs if you have a large pumpkin)
- Accessories, goggles, a top hat, a monocle, pocketwatch, eyepatch--get creative! Create your very own Steampunk Pumpkin Character!
- (For adults only) Carve a lid, scoop out the pumpkin guts, and poke starter holes where the gear eyes & spring mouth will be inserted. The holes for the spring-mouth should be relatively small because your springs will be held in place by 2 toothpicks (as shown below). The toothpicks should stick out approximately 1/2-1 inch.
- (For kids) Stick the eyeball gears into their pumpkin sockets and give that steampunkin the ghoulish grin it's been waiting for! Link the springs and place them on the toothpicks.
- (For kids) Last but not least, dress up your pumpkin with a pair of googles & a hat, an eyepatch, or a monocle on chain! Whatever your heart desires!
2) Painting on the Punk! Another kid friendly approach to pumpkin decorating!
What You'll Need:
- Various Acrylic Paints (any colors you choose. I like black, white, red, & metallics)
- Paintbrushes (or various sizes, at least 1 small paintbrush for details & 1 large brush)
- Water & Jar & Paper plate (or cardboard) for mixing your paints
- Paint some Steampunk scenes, objects, or faces onto your pumpkins!
- (Option 2 for tiny tinker-tykes ) Cut out some gear shapes or pocketwatch shapes from some sponges & give them to your tyke to dip in paint and place on their pumpkin! Download a template for gears below!
3) Classic Carving & Pumpkin Poking
What You'll Need:
- Pumpkin Carving Tools (You can purchase a kit or gather up the following: A large knife, paring knife, toothpicks, a corn-on-the-cob utensil (optional but it makes poking holes so much easier), small & large metal spoons, newspaper or trash bags to protect your table from all the pumpkin guts, and a bucket or big pot lined with a trash bag for pumpkin guts & seeds)
- Template or Design, to trace or draw freehand on your pumpkin (you can download Steampunk ones here)
- Tea candle (I prefer electric, but that's up to you!)
Steps (for tracing your design):
- Carve a lid & scoop out the pumpkin guts.
- Next, place your design over your pumpkin and trace using your special pumpkin poking tool (in your kit). I used a corn-on-the-cob utensil instead. It worked really well and had the added benefit of creating 2 holes instead of just one per punch so I was finished poking holes a lot sooner.
- Once you're done tracing your design, place your tea candle inside and affix your lid! Enjoy your steampunkin's ghoulish glow!
Steps (for carving your design):
- Carve a lid & scoop out the pumpkin guts.
- Next, free hand sketch the design or template of your choice onto your pumpkin. I recommend using a pencil as pen can smudge and show on the skin.
- Carve out your design!
- Once you're done carving, place your tea candle inside and affix your lid. Enjoy your steampunkin's eerie luminescence!
Templates: (Free to download, my gift to you! Happy Halloween!)
- To download Gears, click Steampunkins Template--Gears
- To download Bohemian Romance's Silhouette, click Steampunkin Template--BohemianRomanceSilhouette
- To download a Lady Promenading with a Parasol, click Steampunkin Template--LadywithParasol
- To download "Happy Halloween" (in Gear Letters), click Steampumpkin Template--Happy Halloween in Gear Letters
Don't forget to post pictures of your steampunkins! I'd love to see 'em! Happy Carving!