I set up at Springfest this year--thank you to everyone who came out--and got the chance to show off my new displays. (The DIYs of which you can find here, and here, and also here). I am incredibly proud of my booth display as I put a lot of thought behind it. So whenever someone gets excited about it too or oohs and ahs over it I feel a sense of accomplishment at having successfully transported them (even if only for a moment).
The light from the window created a soft Spring glow and it shone brilliantly on the metals of my table.
This inkwell, which I purchased from one of my favorite antique & junk shops in Tulsa--Delman's on 15th street--is always a conversation starter.
Shoe horns are among my favorite display objects because they are great for draping & showing off tiny, dainty, and intricate pieces.
Among my display pieces are a number of tools--like my old drill, jeweler's anvil, wrench, and blade sharpener. Many men (and tough tomboys & tinker-type ladies too) who might normally pass by a jewelry booth without giving it a second glance--stop by.
I have a lot of fun setting up my booth because I know that throughout the whole show I will meet tons of new people (as well as see familiar, friendly faces) and stories will be exchanged sparked by the various objects in my booth.
For those of you who have your own crafty business and are looking for more information & inspiration on how to create booth displays & how to set up for a show--check out my friend Jill's (of Favoring Brave) new website: CraftFairology! I'll be guest posting one of these days I hope!