Valentine's Day is just next week! Time to get started on making those valentines and handmade is the way to go! Here are 3 DIY Valentine's Day cards you can make easily, quickly, and economically. For the first DIY Valentine's Day Card, here's what you'll need:
Bakers Twine, blank card & envelope, scissors, pen, glue stick, an awl, an old stamp, and a printer.
- First, glue your stamp onto the front of your card (if you are using only 1 stamp it is best to center it). Be sure to press your stamp firmly down onto the card. Wipe away any glue that creeps out of the edges.
- Next, open up your card and on a work surface, poke 2 holes in your card using your awl (also centered). Then thread your Bakers Twine through the holes and tie in a cute bow. Cut off any excess twine.
- For this next step you will need a computer & a printer. Open up a word document, download a free card template, and type in a message that you want to appear on the inside of your card. Cut down your inside page so that it fits neatly inside your card.
Glue your message to the inside of the card. Be sure to place an even amount of glue on the card & smooth out from the center to the edges to avoid bubbles & creases. And voila, your valentine is complete!
Here are a few variations that you might also try if you are upcycling stamps:
- Instead of adding a bow to your card, you could draw a decorative border around your card or embellish lines already stamped or drawn on the individual stamps.
- You could embellish the edges of the inside of your card (the message page) with a paper punch.
- Instead of gluing the inside message to the card, you could also sew it into the crease.
Token of My Love Valentine's Day Card
For this DIY valentine all you need is the following: Bakers Twine, blank card & envelope, scissors, pen, glue stick, an awl, a token coin with a hole in it, and a printer.
- Open the card and place it face up on a work surface. Poke 2 parallel holes in the center of your card using your awl.
- Next, thread Bakers Twine through the holes.
- Place your token coin onto the Bakers Twine. Tie a cute bow. Cut off any excess twine.
- For this next step you will need a computer & a printer. Open up a word document, download a free card template, and type in a message that you want to appear on the inside of your card. Cut down your inside page so that it fits neatly inside your card. Glue your message to the inside of the card. Be sure to place an even amount of glue on the card & smooth out from the center to the edges to avoid bubbles & creases.
- With your valentine completed, give it to your loved one as a token of your affection!
Redeem for A...Valentine's Day Card
Similar to the last card, this DIY valentine you need: Bakers Twine, blank card & envelope, scissors, pen, glue stick, an awl, a token coin with a hole in it(preferably a large hole in the middle), and a printer.
- Open the card and place it face up on a work surface. Poke 4 parallel holes in the center of your card using your awl (along your token coin's outer edges and inner edges as shown above).
- Next, cut two separate pieces of Bakers Twine. You pieces should be long enough to extend past the edge of your card at least 1/4 inch. when doubled. Thread one piece through the holes on the right only and vice verse on the left.
- Place your token coin onto the Bakers Twine (threading the left side of the coin with the left piece of Bakers Twine and vice verse). Tie a sturdy knot on each side.
- Next, pull out the Bakers Twine on each side of your card so that the ends extend off of the card's edges. Glue in place and then once dry, cut off the excess twine.
- For this next step you will need a computer & a printer. Open up a word document, download a free card template, and type in a message that you want to appear on the inside of your card. Cut down your inside page so that it fits neatly inside your card. Glue your message to the inside of the card. Be sure to place an even amount of glue on the card & smooth out from the center to the edges to avoid bubbles & creases. You could also hand write your message for a more personal touch.
- With your valentine completed, give it to your loved one so that they may redeem...!
Also, check out my DIY Valentines from last year: on the Make Tulsa blog and for more steampunk valentines! As always, merry making!