Sunday began as usual: I woke up, read more of my book while my body slowly acclimated to being awake, brushed my teeth, and got ready to go out for breakfast with Rhys. On our way to Tally's Cafe on Route 66, we popped into one of my favorite "junk" shops, Generations Antique Mall, which is right next door to the cafe. We ambled up the aisles, which with me is always a slow process as I like to examine objects that are often overlooked & rifle through boxes chock-full of random things searching for pieces to upcycle. We reached the end of the second aisle when we came to a large glass display case. Several of the top shelves were stuffed with old jewelry, watches, and ornate rings. The bottom shelves were almost empty, and on one shelf there was only a dull silver pocketwatch. The sticker on it read: "Does Not Work. $25." Rhys insisted that we take a look at it. I declined at first, stating that $25 was a lot for a pocketwatch not in working order. Little did I know its true value. Rhys again insisted and assured me we'd haggle the price. He asked the owner to open the case.
I reluctantly retrieved the pocketwatch, popping the lid open, and discovered writing etched on the inside lid. Engraved onto this 1910 silver compass (it was not a pocketwatch after all) were the words: "Sam, Will You Marry Me?" I held my breath. My disbelief suspended when I turned around to see Rhys down on one knee with a beautiful engagement ring. Before he could even get a full sentence out--I had said Yes! And of course, was blubbering with happy tears the next minute.
That compass is the greatest "find" I have discovered in any junk shop--its value utterly priceless. Its history now forever altered; our story now entwined with its.
I am so incredibly lucky that I met Rhys ten months ago. I fell in love with his compassion for others, his unfailing kindness, his sharp wit, and yes, even his puns! He has enriched my life with his own sense of wonder, wanderlust, and creativity. He has become my compass--he helps me navigate my fears & dreams; he gives me direction; and he points me toward truth. Simply put, he's the love of my life.
I'll keep you all updated on wedding planning & the DIYS that will inevitably ensue. To read about the proposal from Rhys's perspective, check out his blog. To get a stunning spoon ring of your very own, check out Aaron Paul Designs on Etsy! (My ring was made from a 1928 Sterling Silver Spoon originally manufactured by Reed & Barton Silver Company. Aaron Paul is an artist who I met at last year's Indie Emporium, and whose work I admire. The ring is perfect!)