It's been a lovely week & weekend topped off with a Sunday in the studio & puttering about the house. I hung the wonderful WWI propaganda poster Rhys & I bought in Kansas City while we were visiting the WWI Memorial Museum--a trip I highly recommend. It is a very well done museum and has a huge collection of propaganda posters from that time. (Propaganda posters from WWI & II fascinate me. I grew up with a Bread for Victory sign in my grandmother's kitchen.)
I finished reading Over Tea by Terri St. Cloud, a book of poetry about sisterhood, friendship, and self--one of many gifts I received in a package from my best friend, Tiffany. There was one poem in particular that stuck out to me in the book--"Gratitude":
as she thought of her friend, she recalled hearing that "gratitude is the heart of prayer." she smiled, realizing her entire being was one big prayer at that moment. and her friend the reason for that prayer.
I am grateful to have such good fortune in all of my friendships, most of all for Tiffany's.
Today I also doctored some books I purchased yesterday at Holland Hall's Annual Book Sale. I found these gems for my own collection, and also 20 more that I am donating to a book drive at work.
If you're in the Tulsa area, please consider donating your new & gently used books. Here's a link with donation info.
Rhys and I got caught up on Serial, and while we were listening my hands were steadily making necklaces & earrings.
Of all the earrings I made today, I think I like these green beauties best. I rarely use traditional glass beads in my work but I couldn't resist these old beads. I love their soft green color and gold accents.
Not bad for a lazy Sunday! Until next time, happy crafting!