One of my favorite things about summer is all of the estate sales, garage sales, & flea markets! With the warm weather, there are almost an infinite number to choose from. Today's estate sale held so many wonders: tall intricately carved wooden grandfather clocks, delicate handkerchiefs & handmade napkins--carefully embroidered, Art Deco furniture that beckoned me way out of my price range, antique French books with marble covers, and so much more! I came away with a few treasures--things I could not put back once I had stumbled upon them. Here's my haul for the day:
An iron mirror--it's a sturdy little thing! My arm my shaking after holding it for an hour. I was drawn to it because of its marvelous pedestal bottom and rose & leaf pattern. It was a steal for 24.00! It's also one of those items that instantly transports me to another time. It feels possible to look into the mirror--and instead of my 2014 reflection to see a Gibson Girl staring back at me!
My favorite find of the day was this flask. The flask itself consists of two long skinny bottles to hold your liqueur and two metal drinking shot glasses. The leather case makes it even fancier. I can't wait to clean this up a little and steampunk it! (Only 18.50 too!) Here's a close up of the flask:
The flask bottles themselves are so nice--You could easily fill one with your spirit of choice, and the other with something to mix it with! I had never seen a two bottle flask before--so this was a real treat to find!
I also found a cute plastic cake dish complete with cover. It looks like glass! Everyone I passed chided me on how carelessly I was carrying it (under my arm) until they learned it was only plastic. That made me feel even better about my purchase. Got it all cleaned up and I am currently waiting for a cake to cool so that I can frost it and use this baby! My final purchase is my second favorite find of the day: a kitschy child's clothes hanger decorated to look like a friendly lion. This is going to be a gift for my cousin Becca and her husband James, who are expecting their first child in December. I am so excited & happy for them. I can't wait to have another little one to spoil.
Overall, it's been a fantastic day! I am almost finished reading Peter Clines latest book, Ex-Purgatory (part of his Superhero & Zombie Series); last night Rhys & I finished reading our first book in tandem--Stephen King's The Stand and I can't wait for him to get home so we can have some cake & talk about it more; and I received a care package from my family in New York. Here's a sneak peek on what's inside:
If you're wondering who "snit" is--that's me! It's my Uncle John & Uncle Jeff's nickname for me! They always send me the coolest junk! I also got some lightbulbs, game spinners, and Scrabble tiles. (I love making coasters out of these tiles! Check out this DIY if you want to make your own.) Summers are just wonderful--mine has been full of weekend roadtrips with Rhys, books you lose yourself in, bursts of creative energy, and junkin'! Thanks Heather for coming along with me today! Junkin' is always better with a friend! What have you been up to this summer?